PAM - Pollutant/Air Modeling
For more information about PAM, contact
The Pollutant/Air Modeling software (PAM) is a unique tool
that predicts potential future exceedances of air emissions permits.
PAM helps managers uncover future exceedances of air emissions
permits before they happen, so that corrective actions
can be taken and future noncompliance situations can be avoided.
For many organizations and facilities, the complexities of
calculating air emissions from process units is substantial. As
a result, many organizations go through the calculation process
once per year. Unfortunately, by then any exceedances of air emissions
permits have already happened and must be reported. PAM simplifies
and automates the calculation of air emissions, enabling managers
to calculate actual air emissions on a regular basis throughout
the year. PAM also enables managers to predict future emissions
based on planned future operating schedules or by extrapolating
year-to-date emissions.
Like all predictive models, PAM uses certain simplifying assumptions.
These assumptions make the software easy to use and conceptually
simple to understand; a technical background in air pollution
or process engineering is not required to make the most of the
software. These assumptions also make PAM most applicable to processes
that emit primarily volatile organic compounds (VOC's).
PAM's main features include the following: [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
- Avoids potential permit exceedances
- Saves time when calculating air emissions
- Simplifies air emission calculation and permit compliance
Who Uses
- Environmental Managers
- Operations Managers
Answered, Reports Generated
Good data management software enables users to quickly get
answers to questions that are complicated and/or time-consuming
to answer. PAM provides click-of-a-button answers to a variety
of questions, including the following:
PAM also provides click-of-a-button reporting capabilities
to generate a variety of reports, including the following:
System Requirements
PAM is a standalone Windows software application. Minimum
system configuration is as follows:
- 486 or above processor
- Windows 95, 98, or NT (Windows 3.1 works, but is not recommended)
- 16 MB RAM
- 5 megabytes of available hard disk space
- Color monitor (preferred)